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David Hawkins audiologist playing saxaphone David "dB" Hawkins
Gets yakety with the sax and the "links"
Jacksonville, Florida

Featured Musical Sample:
Listen to dB Hawkings playing the note ping out on the links - mp3 - opens new window

Musical Bio:
Our man “dB” honed his musical talents in childhood by playing saxophone in the school band, and conducting KEMAR recordings for warble tones during recess. After a bout with puberty, he decided to play something more “manly” and learned to make “the links” hum, mostly because of his enjoyment of one musical note: “ping.” As an adult, his public saxophone appearances have been limited to his daughter’s birthday parties; however, his performances on “the links” were numerous, and progressed to the U.S. Senior Open.

Audiology Bio:
Dr. David B. Hawkins is the Chief of Audiology at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida. His noted hearing aid research and writing spans the past 25 years and he is the co-author of the well-thumbed book Probe-Microphone Measurements.

inFamous ID: 104 // Date Created: 2006-03-21 // Last Updated: 2006-04-23

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